In Personal Life Coaching, I play the role of Non – Judgmental facilitator helping you find your best solution. My belief is everyone knows what is best for themselves. While Coaching, I will support you to challenge both your own thinking and perceived limitations. I will also teach you some simple techniques to access your intuition and deeper knowledge of yourself, uncover and explore extreme possibilities.
In Relationship coaching, I support you to widen your perspective and bring the bright light of awareness into the hidden corners of resentment, fear and avoidance. Even if only one spouse / family member decides to get coached, when he or she lets go of mental suffering, the burden could also be lightened. You can benefit from my coaching to improve your relationships in family and work.
Pre Marriage coaching is for engaged couples who are getting ready to enter into married life or who are in relationship before marriage.
Why Pre Marriage Coaching is needed?
In Marriage life, each individual brings his/her opinions, values or history into a relationship, which do not always match with their partner’s. Often times, people get married believing that a marriage will fulfill their emotional, financial, social, and sexual needs – and it does not turn out as they had expected. It will cause later conflicts between couples and might be needed with separation.
In Pre marriage Coaching, the coach will let the couple